Murder on the Menu


"Murder on the Menu has audience in stitches as Shakespearean ghosts take centre stage"

Cast: 5 Female / 3 Male
Length: 2 Acts (115 minutes)
Genre: Comedy
Synopsis: Sophia has been conned into buying a derelict theatre. Now with crushing bank loan payments to make and no money, the jobless Sophia decides to defy the odds and dig her way out of her financial mess by reopening the theatre as a cafe. Her already dire situation worsens, when she soon discovers that the theatre is inhabited by the pompous ghosts of dead Shakespearean characters who are hell bent on keeping their home just as it is. By chance, Sophia discovers that the only way to get rid of the ghosts is to murder them as they were killed in their original plays. At Sophia’s cafe, Murder is now on the menu.



SOPHIA: A young working-age woman lacking confidence and self-esteem. She has recently lost her job.
SKYE: Sophia’s best friend. Independent, self-centered, fun loving and reckless. Immaculately and fabulously dressed. She has flawless heavy makeup and divine hair.
ROMEO: The ghost of Shakespeare's famous character. He can’t help but fall in love with every woman he meets. What he lacks in smarts he makes up for in self-love.
JULIET: 14 years old, in love with Romeo… and in love with being in love with Romeo. A ghost.
OPHELIA: Desperate for Hamlet’s love and attention, she has become bitter and grief-stricken. A ghost.
HAMLET: Morose and preoccupied with his personal issues, he only has time for his one confidant... the skull of Yorick. A ghost.
MACBETH: A Scotsman, his accent is so thick there are times he is impossible to understand. A big brawler of a man. Obsessed with haggis. A ghost.
LADY MACBETH: Very forceful woman. Her accent is thick but not as thick as her husband. Devious, nasty and a bit precious. A ghost.

What the critics are saying

"Audiences have become accustomed to enjoying some ripping yarns from the pen of resident comedy playwright Devon Williamson, but in Murder on the Menu he has surpassed himself."

"Murder on the Menu' has audience in stitches as Shakespearean ghosts take centre stage"


Detour Theatre (2019) Premier Season
Sun City Players (2020) USA

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